Opportunties in the lab

Prospective postdocs

To inquire about potential postdoc opportunities, please email with a CV and a statement of interest that briefly describes your research experiences and interests, your postdoctoral training goals, and how working in our group is a good fit to advance those goals.

I encourage potential postdocs to consider applying for independent funding and am happy to help develop project ideas for postdoc fellowships. Please reach out to write a fellowship together.

Prospective graduate students

Prospective graduate students can join the lab for a graduate degree (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) through the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate program. The prospective student must identify a faculty mentor before applying. Prospective students can send an email with their CV and a description of your research interests (and how working with us would help you meet these interests).

Prospective undergraduates

If you’re interested in lab research please email with a few sentences on your background (e.g. major), what about the lab interests you, and what you would like to accomplish.